Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hillary again....

I remarked back in March that Hillary has lost my respect, now she's starting to lose what little credibility she has left.. She recently invoked the "RFK" assassination quip as though she's hanging around in case something happens to Obama..

Excuse me??

Hanging around for someone to be assassinated so that you can become the Democrat contender in November??

This was really the last gaffe she has left her in bag of tricks.. Even the non-apology she gave wasn't much of one -- especially in light of the incredibly difficult prognosis for Ted Kennedy and his brain tumor..

It proves to me once and for all that she lacks the fortitude and respect to earn the position of being President of the United States.. Right, wrong, accidental or not -- how can you invoke the assassination quip as the BASIS for staying in the race?? That's inconceivable and utterly reprehensible..

At a time when we should be focusing on enacting real change for the direction of the country, we're left with this incredibly horrific insight that Obama will be assassinated before he wins the nomination on behalf of the Democratic party..

I don't see how she can sleep at night -- having this much negativity in her soul to actually have the audacity to invoke the "RFK" history as a basis for her to stay in the race.. It goes beyond poor sportsmanship, it transcends into the depths of being forever the stain in our humanity..

Shame on you Hillary..

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