Thursday, May 15, 2008

McCain is not the answer....

I know it's very disheartening for Republicans to admit this, but McCain is simply not the answer for the next 4 years..

I will do no disrespect to his honored duty to the country, as long as he does not make it the issue at hand.. I qualitatively administer that comment because we're faced with the following propaganda by the Conservative Right: "if you haven't served in Vietnam, you are not fit to be the commander in chief.."

Nevermind the fact that the generation that fought in Vietnam is approaching the geriatric hurdle of life ... we simply can't use that as an effective barometer for who our commander in chief should be.. It's not as though I don't admire what McCain has been through -- I do from an honor perspective, but from a role of leadership -- he's waaaaay out of touch..

Let's not forget that this was the the man that paraded around the "streets of Baghdad" and proudly declared that it was safe to walk the streets of Iraq.. That was utterly false as the two Cobra helicopter gunships circled overhead while he had the platoon that walked step for step with the Senator.. Maybe if every Iraqi had the same type of escort, they would feel safe as well..

But then there's the flap about us being in Iraq for the next hundred years.. McCain actually had the gall to compare the likes of Iraq with Germany and Japan.. Notwithstanding the fact that Iraq is *NOT* at all like Germany and Japan -- but after, John was a POW and we should maybe cut him some slack.....

But no...

We cut Bush a great deal of slack for his entire Presidency.. We cut Bush slack because he can't form a cohesive sentence without the teleprompter enunciating his words correctly.. We cut Bush slack and nearly forgave him for invading the wrong country after the 9/11 attacks..

I think America is done cutting SLACK to imbeciles who consider themselves Presidential material.. And yet it's amazing how many Bush apologists there are in the world.. Carefully manipulating the sound bytes of the day into their own diet of what America is about.. And that my friend, is the problem..

The conservatives of today have made a huge strategic error: they chose the wrong leader to rally behind.. "Shrub" is nothing more than a pineapple on a cherry tree.. Republicans made the catastrophic error by following every failed policy "lock, stock and barrel" behind their flawed commander in chief..

And now it's starting to catch up to them... Three highly touted Republican seats have been upset in their 3-way loss recently.. At some point Republicans have got to face the music: "stop following the Shrub.. He's dragging you down....."

Which is the fundamental reason why McCain is not the answer -- the campaign has been fighting within itself to decide how much they want to stay in Shrub's shadow....

....and Americans are ultimately fed up with the Shrub -- which should've been the first clue for the Republicans....

...but no one every said they were an intelligent bunch....

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