Sunday, August 31, 2008

and now ... the baby

First off - I'd like to make clear that the rumor surrounding Sarah Palin and Trig are currently nothing more than rumor, but there's mounting and compelling things that can give one some doubt of the validity that her youngest son actually belongs to her. So while a substantial amount of GOP die-hards would like to bury the story as though it didn't exist ...

...think about that...

Protecting someone who may have LIED and DECEIVED the public about the birth of a child.. It says a lot coming from the party dedicated in the pursuit of "pro-life.."

The most compelling evidence thus far actually came from Palin herself:
- She did a speaking engagement 7 or 8 months into pregnancy
- Her water broke
- She consulted with her doctor in Alaska
- The same doctor that apparently said it was okay for her to make the 9-11 hour jaunt from Dallas, Texas back up to Alaska

Never mind the fact she's in a high risk pregnancy..
Never mind the fact that her amniotic fluid had been draining for hours during the speech..
Never mind the fact that the fluid draining was happening a full MONTH before the expected delivery..
Never mind the fact that NO ONE ONE BOARD the plane even noticed that she was going into labor.....

What doctor would give the consent of a woman who had been going into labor hours BEFORE she got on the plane -- to take another 9-11 hour jaunt (with a layover mind you) from Dallas to Anchorage??

Certainly Dallas has proper medical facilities that could've treated Sarah as she was on the onset that her labor was starting..

Things don't add up..

You can dismiss the photographs ... you can dismiss the observations made by her own staff, by the airlines, by film producers, by the press ... but when the rationale flies south like this ... no self-respecting doctor would ever allow a woman in the middle of delivering her baby during an already established high risk pregnancy to fly back home when prevailing medical care was readily available where she was at..

So when she got off the plane - she went immediately into the nearest hospital in Anchorage to be checked out, right??

No.... She drives 45 minutes away to another medical center located near the small village she used to govern where she used to govern..


Whatever comes out of this -- and I hope the rumor is merely just a rumor -- but it doesn't bode well for someone who is going to be asked to make real tough decisions when she clearly doesn't act in the best interest of her children by putting her life and the life of her unborn child at risk by clearly ignoring all of the well established risks of pregnancy -- of a NORMAL pregnancy much less a high risk one..

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