Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Disaster called McCain....

I've been amazed by McCain thus far..

In 2000 he stood out as the Maverick of the Republican party.. Of course that didn't play well in the neo-con world and he subsequently lost to the ol' Shrub.. But he's been an advocate throughout his political career of elevating the political discussions when he's run campaigns .... taking the high road as it were..

So then imagine everyone's shock when he took his proverbial gloves off and started sparring with Obama -- who -- has repeatedly encouraged McCain to stop with the personal attacks and debate the core issues.. But it seems that John has no desire to or ... simply can't..

Most recently - he called out Obama as being an elitist who can't possibly understand the plight of American families and what they have to go through -- yet when he's called upon to answer a very simple question: how many homes do you have, McCain freaks out and quickly dodges the question so that a staffer can look it up for him because HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW MANY HOMES HE OWNS!!!

....and Obama is an elitist....

For the record -- he owns 10 homes.. A far cry from what most Americans get by with (one at most, sometimes two if you're lucky enough to have a summer home..) Oh, and Obama even has one home -- granted, a nice million dollar mansion -- but McCain's home values total over $13 million...... *laughs*

And this is but one small sliver of the pie that has been re-directed back at the Republican hopeful.. Because it seems like the moment he tries to do something that would score points against Obama ... it inevitably smears him ten-fold.. He's doing more damage to himself than he's afflicting on his competitor..

...while forgetting that pledge of running a clean campaign...

Lastly -- there's been several off-mainstream comments about the rage and anger McCain has.. Clearly someone who can fly off the handle when even the most simple buttons are pushed ... and this is someone who sings "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" and it's not cause for worry..

We've already had a president who clearly lacks the fortitude to understanding sacrifice ... we clearly don't need another to follow suit..

And while that sounds like I'm disrespecting McCain's service to our country -- it is not.. Because the character of a man is measured in yardsticks and miles which says nothing of the fact that you do not need to have had military experience in order to be considered the President of the United States.. A lot of fine men and women have served a lot more distinctively than McCain who is running a flawed campaign that not only lost their focus, but it's not John's style..

He's had to flee back to the right -- stepping on toes and tripping in the process while completely running in every direction by the one that touches his soul the most.. That's because if the "real McCain" would be running this show -- there wouldn't be very many differences between he and Obama.. But John has committed his ship down this path and it's apparent no one is at the controls..

McCain is a bad choice for Americans, but from a Democratic point of view -- this self-sabotage is paying off with big dividends for the Democrats .... until they go and do something stupid that ends up shooting themselves in the foot as well....

At least we're getting closer..

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