Saturday, September 20, 2008

The issue no one wants to talk about....

Even though nearly every Obama opponent denies it -- it would appear that race is going to be a determining factor in the 2008 election. Now before anyone gets all huffy puffy about it, let me make something perfectly clear: if you're finding yourself in support of McCain after being misled on the facts about Obama and/or his policies -- then you haven't been truthful about the reasons why you don't support Obama or you're not being truthful with yourself.

I say that because the most idiotic reason people have been saying why they aren't voting for Obama is the obliquitous thought that he's Muslim. It's false. An all out lie. An utter distortion and malfeasance by the right-wing designed to do but one thing: to smear, to capitalize on the fact that his last name happens to be close to our malicious evil foe: Osama..... Bin Laden. So for those that want to believe that Obama is a Muslim -- then you're merely looking for a reason why you don't want to vote for him.

At the very core of your honor -- you should at least pick a rational explanation why you don't support him instead of hiding behind the lie and making that your self-anointed justification for not supporting the man.

The Muslim shtick is just one in a long line of Karl Rovian political tactics that are approved by John Sydney McCain III. Which is exactly what happened most recently when he touted that Obama was advocating for sex education to be taught to kindergartners -- a bold face lie. For anyone with partial brain function can figure out that Obama's plan was set forth to educate school children who might not KNOW they had been sexually assaulted or touched inappropriately. That's why Obama's plan is to set out guidelines for teachers to conduct AGE APPROPRIATE education in the matter of sexual assault.

It's utterly and completely morally reprehensible that we even NEED to teach our very young children the dangers of sexual predators -- but this is the REALITY we live in. But "this message is approved by John McCain" was sent out instead to the fear-laden parents, scaring them into thinking that Obama wants to teach your kindergartner what contraceptives are for. It worked in 2000 and worked again in 2004. You'd hope that America was smarter than that. Oh -- they are smarter than that, but it's clear some need an Oprah moment to clear away their conscience a bit and start healing from whatever racial wrongs they think they've endured.

The Karl Rovian tactics are designed to do one thing: to put rocks in your shoes. In your mind, all you need is a single reason why you don't want to support Obama. That's why when you're asked why you don't support him, your reason settles on the Muslim tactic -- then you were merely looking for a reason, ANY REASON that would satisfy your little universe. It's unfortunate really. Because whatever malformed opinion you have of the Democratic nominee for President - the tragedy here is it's the basis of the color of his skin that matters most of all. The fact he's black supersedes any concern you must have about our standing the world, the economy and the growing problems we face. It's tragic that it's the hue of his skin - not the man, the soul behind the policies and causes of hope sought to inspire Americans to step up and do something about the tragic mess the Republicans have made for us.

I only ask that you at least have the guts to show up and stand up to say THAT is your real reason. Then that way the discussion can end because it would be overly apparent that someone who can't look beyond the color of one's skin -- doesn't deserve anymore dialogue to be had. Because no matter what counter-sources I can find to deflate your little Muslim antics -- it's never going to matter because at the end of the debate ... Obama is still a black man.

If only I could get you to look beyond your inner racism ...

....deep down, I think you want change.

Because deep down I don't think America wants another 4 years of the last 8 years. Deep down, I don't think America is really satisfied with the "progress" failures of this administration. Deep down, I don't think you feel John McCain is the "best" the Republican Party could offer. Deep down, I don't think you support the incessant flip-flopping, throwing every sail in the wind to catch a break - McCain - because this is what you're going to get when you vote for him.

Look at the headlines in just the last week alone....
- He was against regulations before he was for it despite having a rather illustrious history in his 26 years in the government adamantly opposing any regulation measure that crossed his desk (see: The Keating Five for more information)
- He was against bailouts before being for it, then against it again.
- Now he wants to make health care to be as de-regulated as our banking market right now -- despite the fact we're going to have to suck up and pay $1 TRILLION to clean up the mess that his trusted adviser Phil Gramm crafted in the early 1990's.
- But let's trust that the "economy is fundamentally sound" before retracting it under a heavy spray of water that "oh, what he really meant was...."

So while I will continue to hear your every bone-head excuse from "uppity" to questioning his patriotism ... then at least have the guts to come out with your real reasons and stop continuing to spread the lies just to hide your layers inner prejudice.

And if you're willing to find some REAL reasons why you can't support Barack Obama -- let me know. I want to hear what you have to say.

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