Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I've Ranted, I've Raved, but....

Anyone who knows anything about me, knows that I have a love and thirst for politics. I minored in it when I was in college and I've paid careful attention to the world around us ever since. I guess that's why I get so passionate about the direction of the country and who I think is best to lead.

Regardless if you agree or disagree with my particular political viewpoints -- you play an integral part in the future of this country. Even though it would disappoint me if you subscribe to the R-point-of-view, your participation in the process is far more important and crucial to the success of the freedoms we have been granted over the last 200 years. Your participation is reflective of the sacrifice of the men and women who have paid dearly to defend this country to preserve that freedom. To turn your back on the process negates that fight of everyone who dedicated their lives and who invested every ounce of their being towards protecting our freedom of choice, our freedom of speech and our freedom to elect who we believe is the best candidate to lead us into the future.

If you sit idle - and do nothing, not only do you lose your right to complain about how bad things are, but you scorn the memory of those who fought to give you that right in the first place. Don't take it for granted.

That's why I call upon YOU - to get involved in the process and to register to vote. Registration deadlines are quickly approaching and there's a place online you can go to see if you are registered. Click here. Yes, I realize it takes you to an Obama site, but they don't collect your information and you don't have to worry about getting littered with Obama stuff. It checks the national registry to see if you're registered or not.

Go register and then on November 4th go vote. If you're Republican - your day to vote is November 5th .... (okay okay, just kidding....)

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