Monday, September 15, 2008

McCain Lie number ....?

Oh - so NOW McCain says that Obama didn't call Palin a pig....

"Did he call her a pig?" McCain was asked. "No, I but know that he chooses his words carefully, and it was the wrong thing to say," he responded."

Flippity Floppity

And this is what the R's have for integrity in the White House?? A guy whose camp touted: "They were offended, they said, because it was a slam against Palin, who told a joke involving lipstick at the Republican convention."

"The charges were incendiary enough to shift the discussion, forcing Obama off message, and into a defensive posture. By week's end, he had declared his intention to run a more aggressive campaign. But in the meantime, Obama had to defend himself against charges of sexism at a Virginia library appearance that was originally designed to increase his appeal among women voters. It almost did not matter that McCain had prompted a backlash from the press who repeatedly pointed out that both claims were wildly misleading."

read more here...

Once again I ask -- is this the BEST that Johnnie Mac can do??

Because if all he's capable of doing is lying and pouting like some insolent child -- then he doesn't even qualify to being considered for the CHEF of the Commander in Chief test....

What an absolute JOKE!!

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